A downloadable game


A small game project, very basic... inspired by Subway Surfers...

With a low poly art style, run through the streets for as long as you can.

the controls for the character are W,A,S,D, they run forward automatically.


UnityCrashHandler64.zip 40 MB

Install instructions

Download the Zip and extract it... then play the .exe to run the game.


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Decent game, Can see the inspiration from subway surfers. And you aren't too far off.

Could really do with a game over screen that tells you your high score. And a few tiles seemed to be bugged/impossible(could just be a skill issue).

Settings/Options didn't list any options for me? Would be nice to be able to turn the music down. 

There is also a few questions with the world building in general like "Why are you running?", "What are you running from?", "Why don't I just go on the pavement?". But these are just mostly nit picks. 

Not sure if this one is possible

Default unity cube? Generation error??? The hit box of the slide barrier after that is also impossible from my experience it just kills you no matter what.  

Hey, thanks so much for the feedback.

i did have a few issues with the automated generation of the map sections, and as for the options page, there was going to be a controls panel, but when importing the PNG's to my UI, the game crashed, so i left this blank (same with the game over screen, though the high score at the end is a good idea).

As for story i didn't really have one in mind, i just wanted to play with map generation and new mechanics i haven't used before...

All the same i appreciate the feedback, and find it very useful... if you have any other tips, feel free to send them my way.